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Back in November, after I learned about The Coffee Enema from viewing the Charlotte Gerson videos, and shared it on both of the Your Natural Cancer Cures websites. I resigned myself to taking one Coffee Enema per month for my regular maintenance. And shortly after that time in my search for under $10.00 Organic Coffee, I realized that I wasnt going to find Organic Coffee for much less than $11.00, and I finally purchased some from the Whole Foods Market to begin my Coffee experience.

Even though I erred in the division of the 3-1/2 cups of the coffee due to being somewhat rusty with the physical dynamics of the process (I cant remember the last time I had an enema), I was able to retain the first part of the coffee preparation (which was only about 3/4 cup) for the suggested 15 minutes, but with the second part (approximately 3 cups), I was not able to retain the coffee for more than 5 minutes before I had to evacuate! Nevertheless, the experience resulted in two very copious evacuations, the second one taking much longer to complete than the first, and afterward, a very nice clean internal feeling. Later, I was so energized that I stayed all night writing new articles for the websites! I guess the caffeine effect is still a factor, no matter how you introduce it to your body!

Last month, I had my second experience, this time, able to follow Jaison Greenes directions to the letter, and again, two copious evacuations, but I was at least able to retain each of the two parts of the coffee for 15 minutes! Needless to say, I was quite pleased with myself , and the squeaky clean internal feeling was once again really wonderful! Again I stayed up all night writing articles

Tonight I had my third experience with The Coffee Enema . And while I was easily able to retain both parts of the coffee for 12 and 15 minutes respectively, I was a little surprised with the volume of evacuation as compared with the first and second experiences. The part one evacuation was much like a normal movement in volume, while the second part was almost non-existent, being more coffee than anything else! Also, the evacuation took much longer to totally finalize, causing me to revisit the bathroom a few times over the next hour to completely evacuate!

The more I thought about this unusual occurrence, the more it made sense

For the past three months, Ive been becoming stricter with my diet, buying and eating increasingly more organic raw fruits and vegetables everyday. During the last few weeks, Ive settled into a nice pattern of having my usual quart of warm filtered water with the juice of two fresh organic lemons; followed by Breakfast consisting of either a smoothie, made with an organic banana, blueberries, organic soy milk, organic 100% fruit juice, and an organic raw egg, or a fresh organic fruit bowl consisting of a cut up apple, orange, grapes, pear, or kiwi, with a few raw almonds mixed in. For lunch/dinner, Ill have a big organic vegetable salad of romaine lettuce, baby spinach, carrots, cucumber, tomato, parsley, and green onions, along with raisins, and sometimes imitation bacon bits on top. My dressing will be olive oil with apple cider and/or rice wine vinegar, or sometimes just a Fresh and Easy preservative-free Italian Dressing. I must confess that over the last three months, Ive eaten about six pieces of baked chicken thighs (thanks to my wonderful son-in-law):-) , and a few servings of various seafood (all faces smaller than that of a lobster ) :-) However, I dont beat myself up over it, I just realize that Im a struggling vegetarian on a mission to get as close as I can to my ultimate goala daily 80% organic raw food diet!

Over the years I have noticed that when I eat a primarily vegetarian diet, its very agreeable to my body, and I have 3-4 eliminations each day, and they are nice and soft, usually in one banana-shaped piece! However, when I eat foods on a regular basis that are harder to digest, like chicken or turkey, I may only have 1-2 eliminations a day, and its like hard little rocks that are sometimes difficult to expel. So, during the last few weeks, Ive noticed that Ive been having as many as 4-6 eliminations each day, and not only are they soft banana-sized pieces from the large intestine, but they are also soft smaller pieces, which, I can tell by their diameter, are from the small intestines as well! So, the more organic raw foods I eat, the easier it is for my body to, not only eliminate the waste products from my large intestines (after the nutrients are absorbed), but to eliminate much MORE of the waste products during the day, all the way from my small intestines as well! Now, this is a first for me, without the assistance of an herbal laxative, like cascara sagrada!

So, back to analyzing the Coffee Enema experience

My conclusion is that there was only a small amount of evacuation after tonights Coffee Enema because my large and small intestines were pretty much already cleaned-out from the regular daily eliminations naturally stimulated by the increasingly organic raw food diet, that I have consciously undertaken and followed to the best of my ability! Now, isnt that just REALLY WONDERFUL!! :-D

OMG! Its almost 5 am!... :-o


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