Raw Organic Milk Versus Brand Name Store Bought Milk

Raw Organic Milk Versus Brand Name Store Bought Milk

Image source: https://www.logomood.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/2017/07/MilkCompanyFarmPreview.jpg

Raw milk. Many people hear that and immediately associate it with bacteria. The fact is raw organic milk not only supplies you with the calcium and vitamin D that your body needs, it even acts as a medicine to cure many ailments. Those of you who have labeled yourself as lactose intolerant can now take those words out of your vocabulary. I always labeled myself as having this problem until I started making healthier choices for myself. I switched to organic food and products two years ago and my life has become better because of it. Raw milk has also become part of my diet.

I dealt with stomach problems for many years. There was actually a period of about two years when I would have an upset stomach after practically anything I ate. I lost too much weight and started to lose some of my hair due to malnourishment. I tried to include more fiber in my diet and that helped a little but not completely. I avoided milk products all together, which was difficult for a cheese lover and I switched to organic food. My stomach problems became non-existent. I didnt miss milk but I knew I should be drinking it for nutritional purposes.

I can honestly tell all of you who are on a diet that this is not skim milk but it will not make you gain weight. Skim milk is a crock. The chemical filled and nutritionally deprived products that people consume make them gain weight because the toxins dont allow the body to properly get rid of waste. That is why fat gathers in certain areas of the body and not others. Fat free, low fat, no carbohydrates, rah, rah, rah, its all a joke. All you need to do is eat and drink organic to maintain a healthy weight that will not fluctuate. You can have chocolate, chips- anything you choose as long as its organic. Counting calories and factoring fat content will be a thing of the past. Youll think back at all the times you did this and laugh realizing how ridiculous it was. The media and doctors have everyone obsessed with this pattern of thinking while theyre telling you to eat foods that are full of toxins as long as theyre low fat or fat free, etc. Its time to take control of your own health because no one is going to do it for you.

Why dont we hear more about the benefits of raw organic milk? You need to search for these benefits because theyre certainly not advertised. The brand name companies that provide mass quantities of milk to grocery stores would be out of business if everyone stopped buying it, so it doesnt benefit them to tell you about it. It doesnt benefit doctors to tell their patients because they wouldnt be able to prescribe you with the medicine thats pushed on them by drug companies. Pharmaceutical companies in turn wouldnt be raking in the revenue theyve grown so accustomed to. Small businesses like farms would benefit, but their voice is smaller. Most farms sell raw organic milk by word of mouth rather than advertisements.

Raw milk should be from grass fed cows only. It should also be certified as organic because it is tested for safety on a regular basis and it is tested randomly without notice. If the bacteria count in the milk is too high, the sellers license is taken away until it is tested again and approved. This is not to say that this milk is not healthy if it has a high bacteria count as most farmers would still drink it themselves, but these are the rules.

Raw organic milk reduces belly fat, lowers cholesterol and lowers your bodys resistance to insulin. It contains the enzymes that your body needs to break down lactose so people like me do not get sick. This milk contains phosphate as well as 21 other amino acids. Phosphate allows your body to absorb calcium better. Enzymes and natural antibodies in raw organic milk from cows that are grass fed break down pathogens like Salmonella, E. Coli and listeria. Pasteurization destroys phosphate. It destroys enzymes that fight bad bacteria and break down lactose. It leaves nothing behind including essential vitamins like A, B, B12 and C. You want to talk about getting sick, try a bad glass of pasteurized milk. Raw organic milk has the saturated fat your body needs to coat your vital organs and to secrete the hormone in your stomach that tells your brain when youre full. Low fat/No fat foods and drinks dont have the fat you need for your body to do this, so they contribute to overeating. Raw organic milk raises metabolism, aids your body to rid of waste (taking the pressure off of your pancreas), boosts up your immune system and helps to prevent colon cancer. It cures psoriasis, pregnancy cramps and scurvy. It has also been known to improve pulmonary tuberculosis.

Once I learned all of this information, I became curious. This past summer I decided to venture out on a trip to a farm thats about 40 minutes away from where I live in central Massachusetts. I went there because I heard about the benefits of drinking raw organic milk. They sell the certified raw organic milk produced by their pampered Jersey cows that are strictly grass fed. The areas where the cows were grazing were clean and the cows looked very healthy and happy. I loaded up my cooler with the large canning jars full of fresh milk that cost $4.50 per half gallon. I was amazed when I got home and took my first sip of this delectable refreshment! I couldnt believe it. It doesnt taste anything like that disgusting, cheesy and creamy whole pasteurized milk that you buy at the store. The texture is like velvet and it tastes just like melted ice cream only not as thick and without the excessive sweetness. People, you dont know what youre missing if you havent tried this yet! I have to admit I was very nervous about how my stomach would react due to being previously traumatized by milk products. Needless to say, not only did my stomach not undergo any adverse reactions, it was settled completely. I can now supply my body with the nourishment it needs and I no longer have that wrenching pain.

The brand name milk that is carried in grocery stores could be from anywhere and couldve had anything in it including blood before the pasteurization process. This process allows the sale of mass quantities of milk containing anything that can be covered up or removed. It is pasty white rather than a natural cream color. The cows that produce the milk may be fed corn that is difficult for them to digest, even with their four stomachs. The corn causes them to eat less and produce more milk so it cuts down on cost. Many of the cows are injected with synthetic hormones like rBGH that is linked to cancer. They may also be milked until their utters are raw, bleeding or even infected. The federal government still sees raw organic milk as a health hazard and has left the decision up to individual states as to whether they will allow it in their grocery stores. I think were slowly becoming aware that it is not a hazard at all, but beneficial to our overall health and generally much safer.

The purchase of store bought organic milk that is not raw is on the rise in spite of the fact that the amount of milk people consume has remained consistent. It also costs about twice as much. Considering the economy, I would say that people are really becoming dedicated to moving forward with their health and are starting to make better decisions for themselves. Consumers are becoming more informed and are less likely to rely on the government and their doctors to tell them what is healthy and what is not. Perhaps this is the beginning of a change for the better.

The only difficult thing about drinking raw organic milk is that most of us cant just mosey on down to the local grocery store after work and buy it. Most states do not carry raw organic milk in their grocery stores so you need to go straight to the source. This is not convenient for those of us who live in the city but you can usually find a few people in your area that will be willing to share the trips so you dont have to drive there every week. The farm I visited actually had flyers posted with the phone numbers of local people who are willing to connect with others in their area to do this. Thats how good this milk is. My only fear is what I will do in the winter when the cows produce less milk and the New England roads are covered in snow!

Interesting Facts:

Raw milk is sold in grocery stores in 24 states.
Starbucks uses milk that is rBGH free.
People have been drinking milk since 6,000-8,000 B.C.
Australia, Japan, New Zealand and Canada stopped buying and selling milk from cows injected with rBGH because of mastitis problems.
Famous physician Sir William Osler called raw milk white blood because of its health benefits.
Virologist Albert Sabin created his oral vaccine for polio from cow colostrum since it contains many powerful antibodies.
Raw milk from cows that are fed mostly grain cannot protect itself against pathogens like the milk from cows that are 100% grass fed.
CLA is a fatty acid and anti-carcinogen found in raw milk that has many powerful benefits like battling rheumatoid arthritis.

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