The Best Foods That Cleanse Your Body

The Best Foods That Cleanse Your Body

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Cleansing the body is turning into a big business. Colon cleansing products are popular on the internet and in health food stores. Spas tout body cleansing as an added benefit to their expensive spa treatments. No matter which way you choose to help your body, you cannot cleanse without the right foods. Why is this true?

Food can help your body cleanse or they can clog and irritate your body. Foods can contribute to built up waste in the form of excess weight and fat or help you lose fat. The right food will give you lots of energy while the wrong foods can leave you feeling depressed or cranky.

While it is true that your body has the ability to cleanse itself, you still need to do your part. For example, your body needs good nutrition to get or stay thin. You also need the right foods to help your immune system stay strong. At the same time, you need the right foods to help your body do the job of keeping waste moving out.

The best foods that cleanse your body are easily digested. Digestion is a process that takes a lot of energy from your body. If your body is busy digesting, it will not have the extra energy to cleanse itself. This is why it is said that you can cleanse your body or you can digest food, but you can't do both.

The best foods that cleanse are fresh, whole, organic fruits and vegetables. These have no pesticides that can add to toxic build up and may clog your body's natural cleansing ability.

Fresh fruits are considered to be natural cleansers for your body. They are full of fresh vitamin water to help your body flush waste. They are very easily digested when eaten alone. It is best to eat fresh fruit first thing in the morning.

Fresh, raw vegetables stimulate your body's natural enzymes to work. They work in two ways to help your body cleanse; they are more easily digested and they stimulate your body to digest other foods quicker. This gives your body more energy for the cleansing process.

Start your afternoon and evening meals with a fresh, raw green salad. Add two to three different chopped vegetables on top of this to get a wide variety of nutrition. Use a dressing made from olive oil, lemon juice and a dash of apple cider vinegar to give zest and even more strength to your cleanse.

Lightly steamed vegetables are the next best foods that cleanse your body. They are more easily digested than raw veggies. They also provide lots of high quality nutrition so your body has the energy it needs to perform all functions, including cleansing and detoxing itself. Eat extra steamed veggies with your meals in place of bread - which can clog your body's natural cleansing ability.

Eat foods that contain Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's). EFA's are known to help your body eliminate, or cleanse, harmful cholesterol from your arteries. They help take down internal inflammation that contributes to heart disease. They also help your body shed fat along with other waste and are excellent nourishment for your brain, helping you to keep your mood elevated.

Foods that contain the Essential Fat's are tuna fish, halibut, salmon, walnuts, avocadoes, cashews, flax seeds, flax oil and olive oil. It's best to get a variety. You might even try an EFA supplement from your local health food store to ensure you get as much as you need during your body cleanse.

Animal proteins are not commonly known as foods that cleanse your body. However, if you are just starting, you might consider eating two to three portions a day, at least the first two or so weeks of your cleanse. This is because this type of protein helps your liver strengthen so it can detoxify waste that is dislodged and moving out. As this process happens, you want to make sure your liver is in good working order.

The foods in this category are lean, organic red meats, organic chicken and turkey, fish, and organic, free range eggs. These are all healthy versions of the non-organic animal proteins, which can contribute to a clogged system and disease. Keep your portions to about the size of your palm.

Filling your plate with the foods that cleanse while keeping meats, breads and grains to a minimum will help your body cleanse quickly and safely. If this is a big eating change for you, try adding a whole food vitamin and mineral supplement to make sure that you get all the nutrition you need.

While you are cleansing, follow the normal and healthy diet rules; don't skip meals, drink plenty of fresh water, don't eat junk food and minimize all other processed foods. These will definitely hurt all your body cleansing efforts. Eating the best foods that cleanse will ensure that you cleanse your body and that you haven't wasted your time and money spent on cleansing products.

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