Using Organic Salt Instead of Refined Salt Can Lower Your Blood Pressure, Reduce Inflammation While Providing More Than 80 Nutritive Substances

Using Organic Salt

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Depending on the source, between 75 and 80% of our bodies are made up of water. Sodium is one of the 30 essential elements in your body. It is present in the cells and tissues of your body even though sodium comprises only 0.15% of the fluids in your body. Yet it is essential to regulate your homeostasis. It also helps in muscle contraction, proper conduction of nerve impulses and transporting nutrients into the cells. When the bodys necessary elements and electrolytes are out of balance, they can cause illness and death.

Sodium also allows our bodies to maintain the right blood chemistry and the correct amount of water in our blood. Together with potassium (0.35%) and chlorine (0.70%), salt forms a very important part of blood plasma. It is essential for acid-base PH balance. How important is salt to human survival? The Romans paid their soldiers salt as their wage hence the origin of the word salary.

Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine. Most Americans consume far more salt than their bodies actually need. But most people say Thats not my problem. I dont eat salt. But that is not true if you eat in restaurants or eat caned, packaged or frozen foods. Salt is used in the preparation of food in restaurants including salting meats before cooking them. It is uncommon that any American does not get enough sodium.

For example, sauces and salad dressings use salt for flavor and as a preservative. Non-organic turkeys and chickens contain as much as 15% of a salt brine and MSG (another form of salt) injected by the chicken and turkey industry. If you are not cooking with a form of organic salt, then you are eating more refined salt than you can imagine. Refined salt is toxic as you will discover below.

Have you got up in the morning after eating out the previous night only to find that you have gained a few pounds? Has your face ever looked puffy in the morning afterward? Chances are that the weight gain or puffiness is due to fluid retention caused by the salt in your meal the night before. Your body simply cant handle the hidden salt in your food.

Doctors repeatedly warn patients to keep their salt intake down. In February 2011, the USDA issued new dietary guidelines that urge people, especially those over the age of 51, to drastically reduce their salt intake by 50%. Yet the government continues to promote a recommended daily allowance (RDA) of about one teaspoon per day 2,300 mg, or about one-third less than the average person usually consumes.

The American Heart Association has long maintained that the RDA for salt consumption should not exceed 1,500 mg per day. Researchers and scientists believe that even this level is artificially high to avoid criticism of the products manufactured by those companies setting the standard. Most researchers assert that foods naturally contain sufficient salt with additives and only a few people ever require supplementation usually those who live and work outdoors in tropical climates.

The problem is that the committee that decides the RDAs are funded by industry insiders such as M&M/ Mars, Nabisco Foods Group, United States Borax & Chemical Corporation and the Dietary Reference Intakes Corporate Donors' Fund a motley group of food industry insiders with an agenda.

Despite the fact that the average American consumes as much as five times the RDA of salt, sodium is still the number-one mineral deficiency. The reason is table salt (including iodized salt, a form of refined table salt with iodine added) is toxic and cannot be assimilated because of the bodys struggle to break down the added anti-caking agent ( sodium aluminosilicate, a man-made synthetic chemical) that causes an increase in blood pressure.

Common table salt is 99.9% sodium chloride. It is mined from the land salt deposits, then heat-blasted and chemically treated to make it look white and to avoid clumping. In the 1950s when goiters ( an enlargement of the thyroid gland) were common, salt manufacturers started adding iodine to their products to stop the thyroid problem as well as other iodine deficiency diseases. But, iodized salt is refined salt with all of its inadequacies.

Refining table salt strips it of all of its trace vitamins and minerals because of the synthetic anti-caking agent. This makes it an unnatural substance that contributes to high blood pressure, heart and kidney diseases.

There are other forms of salt including sea salt and kosher salt that do not come with the same consequences. Sea salt is considered to be more beneficial for health as compared to table salt due to the more than 80 nutritive substances present in it. Refined table salt raises blood pressure but organic salt does not. Table salt causes the body to lose calcium while organic salt decreases calcium loss.

Sea salt comes from salt water channeled into man-made pools, along protected shores, left under the sun until all of the water evaporates. Sea salt from the coastal areas of France may have a slight grayish color. Other organic salts may have a pinkish hue if it came from some other exotic locale such as Columbia. Organic salt may be coarse or fine grained.

Sea salt is 98% sodium chloride, while the remaining 2% is made of other important minerals like iron, sulfur, magnesium and other trace elements. People require less than 225 micrograms of iodine a day. Seafood as well as sea salt contains iodine naturally and taking a supplement is unnecessary if there are sufficient quantities of either in your diet.

The health benefits of sea salt include inducing proper sleep, promoting efficient working of the liver, kidneys and the adrenal glands. The various minerals present in sea salt also help maintain a healthy balance of the various electrolytes that affect heart and other organ functions in the body.

Sea salt boosts the immune system of the body and doesn't cause high blood pressure like refined table salt. The presence of natural minerals makes sea salt not as salty as table salt. If you must use salt, then sea salt, such as Brittany salt, adds flavor to any dish served on the kitchen table without the toxic consequences of refined table salt. You may also notice that each organic salt has a distinctly different natural flavor.

We have been repeatedly asked what can we do to lower our salt intake and which salts help your body and which salts hurt you. The answer to these questions will determine how much salt you consume and whether that salt affects your body.

By switching to organic salt, a person will immediately notice a drop in their blood pressure and kidney function. The toxic refined salt causes inflammation. The refined salt builds up in your organs, muscles and tissues hardening your arteries and damaging your kidneys. Many researchers contend that one of the primary contributors to the increased number of Americans on kidney dialysis and the increase in the demand for organ transplants is directly related to the use of refined salt in fast food stores, packaged foods and on the family dinner table.

Independent health experts suggest that you use only sea salt or another form of organic salt. To enjoy the advantages of sea salt, be sure that it is an unrefined brand so that the organic salt contains the minerals that give it an edge over table salt.

We suggest that you take potassium supplements because potassium purges table salt from your kidneys and liver. You can consult with a homeopathic doctor on the correct potassium supplements to use based upon your blood test. But we suggest that you stay away from synthetic substitutes containing excipients and fillers (literally packing materials used to fill the capsuls) as well as prescription potassium that may be cost prohibitive.

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