Wal-Mart Cures Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Over-The-Counter Viagra, Cialis, Levitra

Wal-Mart Cures Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Over-The-Counter Viagra, Cialis, Levitra

Image source: http://md-pillstore.com/images/tablets-161.jpg

Men with Erectile Dysfunction (ED) sang praises when Viagra hit the market. Men now have a little blue pill that temporarily fixes the problem of low blood flow to Mr. Johnson. Then Cialis and Levitra came out for the guy that doesnt want to get caught with his pants down and not have his little blue friend nearby when the time arises. I wonder if Mrs. Hillary Clinton considers the ridiculous profits the pharmaceutical companies are making off these three products Excessive?
Several years ago I was shopping with my ex-wife at our favorite store, Wal-Mart, when I happened upon the bodybuilding supplement isle. I began reading the protein products and the bottles of pills that claimed to eliminate fat within hours of taking their product. One bottle caught my eye. It was promoting an amino acid named Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG). I had neer heard of such an amino acid. I asked my ex wife if she had heard of it since she graduated from University of Arizona with a B.S. in Nutrition. She gave a cursory explaination of what she thought AAKGs benefits to the body could be. It sounded good at the time, so I put a bottle in the cart and we continued shopping.

I had begun working out at Ballys a few months before that Wal-Mart shopping trip and was excited about the positive effects my new discovery could have on my health and looks. I took the recommended dosage at the recommended times of day. After several weeks of extensive exercise, I noticed nothing. No bigger muscles. No loss of fatigue. No difference in muscle strength. I was beginning to think I had wasted my money, even though the bottle was less than $20.

Half way through the bottle I did begin to notice something different. I noticed, when I took my dosage of Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG) prior to my workouts, I would come home with a raging hard on ready for action. My mood seemed the same. I did not feel any different than before starting my doasges regarding sex with my ex-wife. All I knew was that when I came home from the gym I was READY!

My ex-wife assumed I was not at the gym but rather somewhere I was not allowed to frequent (strip bars) since I had no explaination of why I was so excited. So with the distrust from my ex-wife (there is an article in itself) too often I was left holding Mr. Johnson with Ms. Rosy Palm flipping through the pages of a porn magazine in the garage out of sight from the ex wife. I told you there is a story there. I did not figure out what was happening until after I was divorced. Google search returned 1,000s of pages of results on Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG). I began to realize what I was puting into my body and the effect it was having on my body. I liked what I was reading.

Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG) is considered a vasodialator vaso-vascular,arteries,veins; -dialator expand, open up. It causes the bodys vascular system to expand causing a drop in blood pressure without changing the heart rate. This allows blood to flow freely throughout the entire body. After workouts, my blood was really flowing which explained why I was ready so often. I do not want to get into the detials of how AAKG works and the processes involved, believe me, there are a lot of processes the body uses to absorb and facilitate amino acids. No wonder, since they are considered the building blocks of proteins.

I was all excited about my discovery. I told only my closest friends because I did not want this huge secret to get out and the worlds supply of AAKG to dry up. I felt I had found my own Viagra on the supplement shelf at Wal-Mart. What a score. Until I read an internet advertisemnt for Extenze. They do not divulge all the ingredients in their product but they do have to state the active ingredients on the label per FDA regulations. To my surprise the primary ingredient was Argenine. My secret was out of the bag. Crap! Wait. How much does Extenze cost? What was the dosage amount? Ho does it compare to my cool product?

After a breif afternoon comparing the two products I was a satisfied consumer with my super cool, super secret AAKG from Wal-Mart for less than $20. If you are wondering why I have not mentioned the name of my favorite ED cure is because I do not remember the name of the manufacturer. Wal-Mart quit carrying that manufacturers product and internet searches revealed the company was out of business. I could not believe an over the counter Viagra manufacturer could go out of business. They had no idea what they had. I quickly visited a local vitamin shop to find a replacement. Mission accomplished. However, the vitamin shop price was no where near my Wal-Mart price. What is a man to do? I bought two bottles, went to Ballys then went to home my girlfriend to complete my daily workout. I recommend talking to your doctor first before taking any type of supplement. I am not a certified medical practioner and only submit this article as personal experience.

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