What To Do Before Receiving The Flu Vaccine

What To Do Before Receiving The Flu Vaccine

Image source: http://vk.ovg.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/Flu-vaccine-pilot-2014-15.png

Flu vaccines are becoming more popular than ever, yet many people are misinformed about what they need to do prior to receiving one. If you're planning to receive the influenza vaccine this year, you should be sure to familiarise yourself with the most important things to take care of beforehand. That way, your risk of having problems or issues will be reduced - and the benefits of the vaccine will be enhanced.

Things To Tell Your Doctor About Prior To Receiving The Flu Vaccine

Prior Reactions - If you've ever had a negative reaction to the influenza vaccine before, it is imperative to tell your doctor about it before getting it again. Some of the most common negative reactions to the vaccine include: fainting or collapsing, a fever above 38.5 degrees Celsius, trouble breathing, fits or convulsions, swelling of the throat, severe allergic reactions and/or an extreme reaction at the injection site, especially bruising.

Existing Illnesses - You should tell your doctor if you are currently ill before receiving the influenza vaccine. This holds especially true if you have an infection or a high temperature.

Medical Conditions - Tell your doctor about any medical conditions you suffer from before getting a flu vaccination, especially if you suffer from: allergies; low immunity due to certain medications or things like radiation therapy; low immunity due to ill health like HIV/AIDS, cancer, kidney disease or malaria or if you suffer from Guillain-Barr Syndrome.

Allergies - You should advise your physician of any allergies that you may suffer from prior to receiving the vaccine. Allergies to other medications and to any other substances - like foods or dyes - should be brought to your doctor's attention.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding - If you currently are pregnant or may become pregnant, you should let your doctor know before receiving the flu vaccine. Additionally, if you are currently breastfeeding, it is a good idea to let them know about it as well.

Other Medications - Certain medications may interfere with how well the flu vaccine works. Such medications include those that affect the body's immune system and certain cancer treatments, like radiation therapy. Therefore, you should disclose any medications that you are taking to your physician. Also, some medications can be impacted by the vaccine. Those include phenobarbitone, a drug used to treat epilepsy convulsions, insomnia and anxiety, and carbamazepine which is used to treat epilepsy. Other medications can be affected as well, which is why it is important to tell your doctor what medications you are taking before receiving the flu vaccine.

Other Vaccines - If you have recently received a different vaccine, let your doctor know. That way, your health can be as protected as possible.

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