Natural Cures For Yeast Infections

Natural Cures For Yeast Infections

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Natural cures for yeast infections have been sought out by many men and women over the recent years. Drug therapies and other conventional methods often have adverse side effects that are worse than the condition or the medications do not permanently get rid of the problem. They just treat the symptoms. This is one of the main reasons why people are turning to alternative medicine to cure their chronic yeast infections.

All-natural treatment methods do not come with any side effects and the results obtained are far better. Yeast infections can be a chronic condition. This means that you could get them sporadically over your entire lifetime. Drug therapies only try to alleviate your symptoms instead of getting rid of the cause. This is where holistic medicine comes in.

Let's look at some ways that you can treat your yeast infection without having to go to the doctor and pay a co-pay. On top of this co-pay, you also have to pay a certain percentage of a drug prescribed by your doctor that probably won't work anyway!

Self-Treatment of Yeast Infection

1. Limit or Avoid Intake of These Foods

Foods that contain a lot of refined sugar promote yeast growth. You want to keep these types of foods off of your diet, foods that are fermented such as bread, beer, cheese, and tomato paste. Also add these foods to your list, mushrooms, dairy products, and of course processed foods. You can eat foods that are low in carbohydrates like turkey, lean meats, non-starchy vegetables, and shellfish if you are not allergic to them.

2. Personal Hygiene

a. I recommend stay away from using public saunas, pools, Jacuzzis, and other bathing areas. The staff may not be as diligent to keeping these areas clean and everyone is not hygienic as you or I. You don't want to expose yourself to getting a yeast infection.

b. When having intimate relations, use a condom. The person you are with could be a carrier of yeast infections although he/she may not have any symptoms. When choosing condoms to buy avoid those that use the lubricant nonoxynol-9. It's great for reducing the risk of getting pregnant but it also increases your chances of getting a STD or yeast infection.

c. Do not use perfumed feminine products such as sanitary napkins, douches, and tampons. These products can destroy the healthy bacteria that are keeping the overgrowth of yeast at bay.

d. Wear loose-fitting clothing that allows your body to breath. Yeast thrive in moist warm environments. So, you don't want to encourage it to grow. I don't suggest buying a whole new wardrobe of new clothes but when you buy new ones choose cotton clothing. It allows air to better circulate.

Useful Natural Cures for Yeast Infections

1. Garlic

Garlic has natural anti-fungal compounds that stops yeast growth in its tracks. What you want to do is get a piece of gauze or cheesecloth and put some garlic cloves in it. Wrap it up and insert the small wad into your vagina overnight. Don't put it in all the way. You want to be able to remove it in the morning. After a few applications, your yeast infection should be gone. If you are allergic to garlic then do not use this method.

2. Plain Yogurt

Like garlic, yogurt has many uses other than for eating. One of its popular uses is to kill yeast. Yogurt has healthy bacteria called Lactobacillus Acidophilus. This bacteria produces hydrogen peroxide, which kills the bad bacteria. Use plain yogurt without any food coloring, fruits, or added sugar. Apply the yogurt to affected areas. It is best to do this at night while you sleep. You can also eat the plain yogurt if this treatment method does not appeal to you.

3. Organic Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been used for years around the world to heal minor cuts and wounds. It has anti-fungal and antiseptic properties that is used to treat yeast infections. Many holistic clinicians and research nutritionist recognize it as being one of nature's best natural cures for getting rid of Candida which causes yeast infections.

To best use this treatment method, lubricate an all-natural tampon with an all-natural lubricant, add a few drops of organic tree oil, and insert it into the vagina overnight. When you awake in the morning you will feel a whole lot better. There are other natural and useful treatments that you can use to get relief from your yeast infections.

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