Natural Face Packs

Natural Face Packs

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There are different varieties of face packs to keep you and your face healthy and young. These facial packs contain many healthful and beneficial substances and necessary vitamins that are necessary to keep your face skin glowing. These facial packs foster skin by improving its color and by cleaning and reducing interstice. Facial packs improve the blood circulation within the veins of the face. These facial packs are easy to use and you can take care of your face and neck well, at home.

The effect of any facial pack on face is only temporary, so it is a must to use face pack 2 to 3 time in a week time. A mix of face pack is needed to be prepared, just before it is required to use. A face pack is applicable only on clean skin and that too without any cosmetics on skin. Before applying facial you will need to take steam bath with chamomile, lime, sage, and peppermint.

If you have dry skin, take 5 to 10 minutes steam bath, atleast once in every two months.If you have oily skin, take steam bath about 15 minutes atleast twice in a month.

You can replace steam bath by warm compresses. In warm compress, a bath towel is moistened with extracts of different herbs and flowers. Then this moist towel is pushed on the face and neck gently and kept in contact until it turns cold.

There is a need of different face packs for different type of skins. If you have dry skin, use the extract of mint, petals of rose, jasmine, chamomile, lime, leaves of raspberry, strawberry and black current.

If you are dry skinned, your face pack will be; a mix of nettle, plantain, coltsfoot, calendula, aloe, St. John's wart, eucalyptus, birch buds and milfoil.

No matter, what type of skin you have, you will need to apply the pack in the whole face and neck bottom up. Do not apply the face pack around your eyelids. After applying the face pack lie down and allow the pack to set for about 15 to 20 minutes. Use only low-neck pillow, so that your face do not elevate too much.

To remove the face pack, especially off fat skin, soften the water with boric acid and use lemon juice to acidify it. You also can use juices of orange, cranberries or red current etc for acidification. Take wads of cotton, dip it into acidified water and then use it to remove your face pack. If you have normal skin type, you can use herbal extracts, tea, milk, etc to remove your face pack.

You are strongly advised to not overdone your face pack, especially when it turns into a solid pellicle. Do not put face pack on your face for more than 15 to 20 minutes, otherwise it will cause strain and tiredness.

Use of face packs varies according to climate, skin type and age also. Face packs may be of different type, for example; face pack made of fruits or sour cream and cream etc.

No matter what type of face you have, the use of face pack will make your face skin shiny and glowing.

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