The Best Way To Stay Healthy

The Best Way To Stay Healthy

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We live in an age when doctors' fees, hospital expenses, and many medical treatments are incredibly expensive and disease statistics are off the charts. It makes pretty good sense to take preventative measures and look after yourself as much as you can from incapacitating disease and premature death.
While building a spectacular looking body is great, maintaining superior health ought to be priority number one. In fact, it is practically impossible to lose belly fat and get a flatter stomach if you health is poor.

The challenging part is that good health, just like an impressive physique, must be earned. And that means you will be required to put in a bit of hard work. But it is work that must be completed, and everyday is an opportunity for you to express your appreciation of life by working hard to sustain a high level of well being.

Do you know of anything more worth working hard for than your own good health? I sure don't. In this era of nutrition neglect, doctors are getting rich off of your failure to pay attention to your health. Due to this neglect, millions of folks are overweight, and even more folks routinely get sick with preventable disease each and every year.

While symptomatic relief may simply be a few pills away, covering up the symptoms with prescription medication is not going to restore your health. Preventable measures are your best line of action.

So are doctors at fault?

Now, I have nothing against doctors. In fact, my gastroenterologist virtually saved my life about 10 years ago. I have nothing but respect and admiration for our hard working doctors out there. But the typical doctor is not going to teach you much about nutrition, he is typically just going to follow his training and give you a treatment in the form of a shot or prescription. All this usually does is mask the underlying source of the problem.

But the doctors are not completely at fault, you can't even really blame them. That is what they are trained to do, and it typically works. But the standard medical approach is not a long term success plan. Dont let your doctor get rich off of your ignorance. Have some accountability for your health and stop the bad habits that lead to your sickness or fatigue in the first place.

Doctors can only get rich off of you if you live your life the wrong way. If you are chronically fatigued, sick, or just run down, it is probably time to take a hard look at your nutrition habits.

If you have chronic headaches, stomach aches, rashes, or just always feel tired all of the time, this could be a warning sign that something bad is brewing inside you. You could be poisoning yourself via the food you eat, and the air that you breathe.

If the body is overloaded with toxins from bad water, bad air, pesticides, and food additives, it is left practically exposed against bacteria, viruses, and disease. Thus making the body more susceptible to a variety of deadly ailments, most of which are completely avoidable. It also makes fat loss virtually unachievable.

So what do you do?

It is essential that you supply the body with the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that it needs to be healthy and function at its peak. You can get all of these essential nutrients from natural, pure, and whole foods, specifically in the form of organic fruits and vegetables.

Organic fruits and vegetables are loaded with bioflavonoids, phytochemicals, enzymes, carotenoids, vitamins, and minerals. Essential components for building a lean body that is healthy, strong, and full of life.

Keep in mind that you should not be eating just any old fruit or vegetable, it is important that the fruits and vegetables you eat are left their natural states and unaltered by man so that these vital nutrients arent destroyed. Vital nutrients are typically killed through bleaching, heating, processing, salting, and preserving, and foods altered using these methods are typically toxic to the human body.

Eating whole, unprocessed, natural foods like fresh organic, raw fruits and vegetables will help you build a body that is lean, healthy, and strong.

Have you noticed that it is tough to exercise when you feel terrible? If you have ever thought about heading to the gym while feeling fatigued, run down, had a headache, belly ache, etc, you know exactly what I mean.

Some people do everything right in the gym, but demolish their opportunity of achieving their goals because they have bad nutrition habits and have created a toxic environment within their bodies. That is not a recipe for good health.

If you want to be healthier and look better, it all begins with what you put into your mouth. If you eliminate man made foods and focus on eating foods that are natural, pure, and whole, like raw and organic fruits and vegetables, you will have much more energy, be sick much less, and supply your body with the nutrients necessary to build your best physique ever.

Jamin Thompson is a pro fitness model, motivational speaker & author of the international best selling six pack abs e-book, The 6 Pack Secret. He gives men and women from all over the world unique and little known secrets for losing belly fat fast without using bogus supplements, gimmicks, or crash dieting at

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