The Best Ingredients For Pure Natural Organic Skin Care

The Best Ingredients For Pure Natural Organic Skin Care

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When a product is good for your skin, that is wonderful. But when a product is good for your mind, body, and spirit, that is even more special, as you will know it because it will contain the best ingredients. When you apply moisturizing oil to your body, you are setting aside time to nourish your overall health and well being, which is very important in life.

I was a professional model for over 25 years and have always believed in the best nourishing moisturizers as one of the secrets to eternal youth and beauty. However, quality products by even the top skin care lines have been nearly impossible to find, many surprisingly containing toxic chemicals with an expensive price tag to boot. Now in my 40s, I religiously enjoy organic moisturizing oil daily as my sole beauty ritual.

My husband is a medical health and wellness expert, and a firm believer in natural and organic products. Our son inspires us to give him the best, and to research products good enough for him as well.

That said, here is a concise list of some of the best ingredients for pure, natural, organic moisturizers for your skin...

Moisturizers that are 100% natural, 100% pure, and 95-100% organic are the best but hard to find. Any product that is 95% or higher qualifies as USDA certified organic. Moisturizers are best if they are or at least qualify as USDA certified organic, in the with "Made With Organic" category with a complete list of ingredients that contain no parabens, no harmful preservatives, no synthetic colors or fragrances, and no animal testing.

Organic sunflower oil is high in Vitamin E and Vitamin K. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is used to naturally nourish the skin, as it diligently enables the skin cells to retain moisture. Vitamin K is an overlooked nutrient that actually helps to heal bruises as well as powerfully strengthens and restores the skin cells. Organic sunflower oil effectively benefits all skin types and greatly contributes to overall health and wellness.

Organic coconut oil is one of the best age-defying, anti-aging ingredients in existence. For thousands of years, Polynesians have used organic coconut oil to maintain their beauty. Not only does organic coconut oil contain highly powerful antioxidants, organic coconut oil also helps to remove dead skin cells that often cause the appearance of aging, and actively renews skin cells to obtain a more youthful, healthy glow.

Organic calendula flowers are derived from the Mediterranean. Organic calendula oil is often used to repair wounds, prevent scars, restore moisture to skin, relieve inflammation, prevent infections, treat varicose veins, and keep skin incredibly soft. Organic calendula oil is excellent in maintaining healthy skin for infants and children as well as younger looking skin for adults. Organic calendula oil is as soothing as it is healing.

Organic avocado oil is a natural powerhouse for healthy, glowing skin. Those with acne or dry skin should embrace the properties provided by organic avocado oil, and those with healthy skin have even better skin as a result of adding organic avocado oil to their beauty ritual. Organic avocado oil is exceptionally high in Omega-3 as well as Vitamin E, an antioxidant that hydrates and replenishes moisturize most effectively.

Organic olive oil has been recognized for its internal healing capabilities as well as its benefits when directly applied to the skin. Organic olive oil is rich in antioxidants, with Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. Another nutrient contained in organic olive oil is chlorophyll, which helps diminish wounds, scars, acne, and blemishes. Organic olive oil, with its abundance of polyphenols, can also perform cell repair and postpone aging.

Organic aloe vera is a profound, natural healer for skin, often relieving skin problems instantly. Organic aloe vera effortlessly speeds the process of cell regeneration, enhances healthy blood circulation, effectively fights many bacterial or fungal infections, soothes sun burn as well as frost bite, and countless other skin ailments, even preventing the flare ups of psoriasis. Healthy skin also benefits immensely from organic aloe vera.

Natural Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects skin cells from ultra violet light, pollution, drugs, and other threatening elements. Natural Vitamin E is best in its natural form rather than its acetate form, which makes it a less effective antioxidant. Natural Vitamin E is an anti-aging remedy that is known for effectively reducing the appearance of wrinkles while immediately replenishing moisture for naturally healthy skin.

Organic lavender is a sweet scented purple flower that has healing properties beyond aromatherapy. Organic lavender oil is both medicinal as well as therapeutic to the skin. Organic lavender oil acts as an antibiotic, helping to heal acne blemishes and skin infections. Organic lavender oil is an excellent addition to any skin care product, with a fresh, clean scent that calms and soothes the mind, body, and spirit.

Organic roses, rose petals and rose oil were part of sacred beauty rituals by the Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. For centuries, many civilizations used organic rose oil for cosmetics and medicines. Organic rose oil has antibacterial, antiseptic, and astringent properties, is ideal in moisturizing, hydrating, curing most skin problems, preventing wrinkles, and ensuring anti-aging of even the most sensitive, problematic skin.

Organic frankincense oil, known for being a highly spiritual gift to honor God, is native to North Africa and is derived from a plant known as olibanum. Organic frankincense oil prevents wrinkles, promotes the growth of new skin cells, and creates naturally smoother skin, which makes it an excellent anti-aging remedy. Organic frankincense oil also encourages healing and is helpful in curing acne, blemishes, scars, and stretch marks.

Organic juniper berry oil has been used for thousands of years to ward off sickness, relieve labor pains, fight infections, and at some point was used in hospitals as an incense to help clear the air from germs, but the oil from the berries is the most powerful. Organic juniper berry oil has antibacterial, antiseptic, astringent, and detoxifying benefits, also helping to treat acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, and puffiness of the skin.

Organic chamomile was used by the Ancient Romans and Egyptians for its powerful healing properties. Not just for tea, organic chamomile is also soothing for skin, and prescribed by doctors to cure skin problems. Organic chamomile contains antioxidants and nutrients such as Vitamin B and Vitamin C, also rich in minerals such as silicon, phosphorus, potassium, and iron. Organic chamomile is pure heaven in a bottle for your skin.

Note: Be sure to cleanse your skin with water before applying moisturizer. And by the way, did you drink plenty of water today? Water. It is an average of 70% of the human body, more than 70% of the planet earth, and what all living beings need to stay alive. Water is the ideal source used for moisture, growth, replenishment, and sustenance, the purest, safest, best, most natural and effective thirst quencher, and the finest, healthiest liquid from God.

So the next time you find a skin care product you like, be sure to take a look at the back of the bottle for its ingredients and hopefully you will find some of the ones listed here. If a product is not organic, you will do your mind, body, and spirit so much good by choosing an organic product instead.

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