The Myth and Fact about Pueraria Mirifica on Women.

The Myth and Fact about Pueraria Mirifica on Women.

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Herb with Anti Ageing and Breast Firming effect

Women in the rural communities in Thailand where this herb grows have used the tuberous roots of Pueraria mirifica effectively as "rejuvenating" folk medicine for well over a hundred years. It has become well known and has received much attention from Thai and foreign scientists and mainstream alike not so many years ago. According to Thai traditional medicine, this "rejuvenating" herb is recommended for both aged men and women for its efficacy to grow hair, strengthen and darken existing ones, help improve complexion and remove wrinkles, improve eyesight, increase energy and vigor leading to more reflexive body movements.

Pueraria Mirifica

Pueraria mirifica Airy Shaw & Suvatabandhu is an indigenous herb of Thailand, known in Thai as "Kwao Kreu" or "Kwao Kreu Kao" (White Kwao Kreu). It belongs to the Family Leguminosae,subfamily Papilionoideae or the soy, bean & pea subfamily, The plants are commonly found in abundant in the forests in the north, the west and the northeast of Thailand at the altitude of 300-800 meters above sea level, Active principles in this plant are found in the tuberous root, which looks like o chain of round-shaped bulbs of various sizes connected to the next one via small root throughout the entire length of the root. The shape and size of the tuberous root are diverse depending on the environment in which it exists. There are nine species of plants in the genus Pueraria in Thailand that look alike, however, the authenticity of Pueraria mirifica can be clearly verified from the distinct characteristics of the stamen of the flower and its hairy pod. The Plant : Twinning long life herbal plant exist only in Thailand especially the northern and western part. Associate grown with the moderate - size trees ranking from timber wood to bamboo in the deciduous rain forest. The tuber enable to enlarge and accumulate at least 13 known chemicals classified as "PHYTOESTROGENS" and comprised of ; miroestrol, daidzein, genistin, genistein, B-sitosterol, stigmasterol, coumestrol, pueraria, compesterol, mirificoumestan, kwakhurin and mirificin.

Cultivation : Due to self-fertilized and long-term exist in different area in Thailand, many varieties had been found. To establish a commercial scale production to serve the world demand, 3 best cultivar had been sorted out from the jungle and adapted for huge plantation area and were name as Pueraria-I, II and III. In addition the tissue culture of this plant has been developed and field trials have been studied, At the present time, Thailand natural product Industry is able to establish organic farming of this plant for the continuous supply of the raw material

Source : Medical Plant Research Institute Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health , Thailand

Local communities in Thailand have used Pueraria mirifica for well over one hundred years, specifically for its rejuvenating qualities. The belief has been passing down from one generation to another and more recently through the publication by Luang Anusan Suntara.

In May 1931, Luang Anusan Suntara published a pamphlet on the subject of "Kwao Kreu". It is stated in the pamphlet that Pueraria mirifica can

- Serve as the "fountain of youth" for aged men and women

- Serve as an anti-wrinkle agent for aged and wrinkled skin

- Darken white hair, and increase hair growth

- Alleviate cataract problems

- Help with memory loss

- Increase energy and vigor, more reflexive bodily movements

- Increase blood circulation

- Increase appetite,

- Alleviate sleep disorders.

In later finding by other researcher there is evidence to support that daily consumption of Pueraria mirifica in control amount, it reduce the risk of

- Cardio-Vascular disease via the reduction of blood cholesterol

- Breast Cancer,

- Prostate Cancer,

- Colon Cancer,

- Menopausal Syndrome

Ageing Problems

Most women are very concerned about aging, particularly the effects brought about by the aging process. For the average women, menstruation cycles end at 48-50 years of age when the reproductive system stops or slows down functioning. The body experiences dramatic changes due to lower estrogen levels: the body's systems and its functions begin to decelerate and the immune system weakens, accordingly menopausal women will usually experience both psychological and physiological changes. Psychological changes range from anxiety, tension and nervousness to chronic depression, whereas the physiological changes include hot flushes, fatigue and insomnia to more severe conditions as bone loss, balding and degeneration of the reproductive area.

An effective alternative approach would be to delay those aging problems by using natural phytoestrogens present in Pueraria mirifica as a dietary supplement.

When taken, its help restore normal function of the body once slows down due to the aging process. Hence, phytoestrogens from Pueraria mirifica can correct estrogen insufficiency in the body and relieve the post-menopausal symptoms.

Beauty and the Breast

Pueraplus is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwao Krua (Pueraria Mirifica) which contains Phytoestrogens (Natural Plant Estrogen). After many years of research from Thailand, the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.

Pueraria Mirifica is your solution to small, and/or sagging breasts. Some women are blessed with naturally larger breasts, but for so many women out there, A, B, or even small C cups just aren't enough. So many women have undergone dangerous and painful surgeries, resulting in serious problems. Many suffer from auto-immune type symptoms serious muscle pain. Studies in Thailand have shown that in 90% of women, the phytoestrogen from Pueraria herbal will increase the fatting tissue and ligaments around the breast that provide support and shape. Phytoestrogens maximize blood flow and estrogen distribution throughout the breast tissue, encouraging growth and maintenance of the breast tissue, firmness, and shape. Pueraria mirifica can lengthen the milk ducts, stimulate and expand fat tissues, resulting in firmer breasts.Pueraria mirifica also maintains collagen, and develops new skin cells resulting in soft, smooth, and beautiful breasts. Ducts branch out from the nipple to the interior of the breast, ending in clusters of the lobules. Pueraria mirifica stimulates the lengthening and branching out of these ducts and the development of the mammary tissues. It also increases the fatty tissue and ligaments around the breast that provide support and shape. This results in enhanced cup size. Moreover pueraria mirifica helps maintain collagen that results in giving breasts a soft, smooth, natural shape.

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Toxicity As regards toxicity, there is a conclusion from the National Cancer Institute that Pueraria mirifica is non-carcinogenic and this conforms to a research finding of King Mongkut's Hospital that Pueraria mirifica can also prevent cancer, so there came a conclusion that a national-level committee be set up to be in charge of pushing Pueraria mirifica.

This article is not designed as a substitute for personal medical advice but as a supplement to advice for those wishes to understand more about her condition.

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Annabel Cruz is a researcher that studies Natural healing by combining both Western and Eastern ways. Feel free to use this article on your website or ezine as long as the following information about author/website is included.

Author Info ...

Annabel Cruz is a researcher into studies of Natural healing by combining both Western and Eastern ways. Feel free to use this article on your website or ezine as long as the following information about author/website is included.

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