The Meaning Of Acne Location On Your Face

The Meaning Of Acne Location On Your Face

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According to Chinese medicine, a face map can show us which areas of our face are connected to which organ inside the body. Areas affected by acne can reveal underlying health issues, which can be organic, hormonal, or just on an energetic level.If you tend to get acne only in certain areas, as many people tend to get, it can actually point out certain ailments or disorders. Although you can't determine an exact diagnostic just by looking at your face, you can get a pretty good idea of problematic areas that you can be addressed. That means that you can get rid of acne by treating certain conditions and improving certain functions inside your body. An experienced Chinese practitioner however, can determine your state of health by examining your face, tongue, and pulse.

Jawline and/or chin acne is usually associated with hormonal acne, and for good reason. The jawline and chin areas are connected to the kidneys and bladder, but also with the glands and organs that produce sexual hormones. Kidneys are associated with the water element, so not drinking enough water could be one reason for getting acne at the jawline and chin. However, the kidneys are also related to some hormonal activity, so getting acne at the jawline and chin can mean that you are experiencing a hormonal imbalance. Also, women may notice that they get more chin or jawline acne around their periods. Stress can also influence jawline and chin acne, as the stress hormones can influence the adrenal glands and kidneys. The first step towards getting rid of chin and jawline acne is to try to balance out your hormones. Take Omega 3 and Primrose oil in order to balance the hormones naturally. Getting enough rest and managing stress issues are also very important.

Acne on the lower cheeks can be related to the lungs and stomach. If you are a smoker, you should consider quitting. Also, try to get enough fresh air on a regular basis, especially if you live in a very polluted city. In addition, the stomach energy might need some boosting. People that have poor digestion can easily develop an acne condition especially at the cheek area. All forms of acne have a link to your digestive system, especially the stomach and colon. Taking enzymes may be a very good idea if you feel that indigestion and bloatedness are a regular issue.

Acne on the upper cheeks and/or nose is related to the heart and small intestine. Make sure that your blood pressure is not too high. Also, reduce salt intake, as well as avoid very spicy foods. Spicy foods can irritate the intestines and can also exacerbate your blood pressure and nervous system, causeing acne on the upper cheeks and/or nose. Try to engage in a light form of exercise on a daily basis, or at least three times a week. It is also a good idea to check your B vitamin levels.

Forehead acne is usually related to the liver and digestive system. You may need to cut down your sugar and dairy intake, as well as reduce eating allergenic foods if you want to prevent acne on your forehead. If you are sensitive to certain foods or herbs, make sure to cut those out completely. You should also make sure that you drink enough water. If you suffer from constipation, do a colon cleanse and eat foods that help promote a normal intestinal transit. Also, consider taking a probiotic supplement, especially if you have taken lots of antibiotics during your lifetime. A leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and other digestive tract problems can also cause forehead acne.

Temples and eye area acne may indicate that your kidneys and liver are not eliminating all the toxins that have accumulated in your body. Anything close to the eye area has a deep connection with the kidneys and liver. Dark circles around the eyes can signify that you are not drinking enough water. Also, your liver can be overburdened with toxins or unable to process certain foods. Try to eliminate fried foods from your diet, as well as hydrogenated oils and seed oils in order to prevent acne at the eye and temple areas. Some people have a hard time digesting many types of vegetable oils without even realizing it. Stick to fully saturated fats that can be absorbed directly through the colon.

Although the above guidelines may not apply to all acne types, they still offers a good indication of which illnesses or conditions to look out for. In addition, getting rid of acne may also require that you look at your food combining habits. Some food combinations can trigger digestive problems that can lead to acne. Chinese medicine specifies which foods groups can be safely combined, and which are detrimental to health. Since our skin is the biggest organ in our body, it is only normal that it is influenced by what we ingest.

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