What is the 801010 raw food diet My 30 day lifestyle design experiment postmortem.

What is the

Image source: http://www.bmbikes.co.uk/photos/photophotos/R100R%20Webo%20(1).jpg

link to original article (contains pictures and links to rest of experiment): http://www.endersadventures.com/raw-food-diet.html

Its been a few days since my final raw food diet update and Im feeling more clear on the benefits and downsides of the diet. Being able to take a rest from recording all the food Ive been eating and posting updates has allowed me to relax and get a better perspective on whats really been happening to me by eating the 80\10\10 raw food diet. Ive definitely been experiencing some ups, but there are some downs to be aware of if youre considering trying out a raw food diet lifestyle design experiment. I also want to share with you what I did to make doing 80\10\10 easy for me and share some tips for successfully completing your own lifestyle design experiments, regardless of what youre choosing to try out.
For my raw food diet lifestyle design experiment I chose to eat entirely 100% raw fruits and vegetables with a focus on fruits, 80\10\10 is the low fat version of the raw food diet. Other than durian as an occasional treat shipped in from Southeast Asia, everything was organic and grown locally. I didnt eat any salt, nothing was dehydrated or processed and I didnt take any supplements or medications. I drank only the occasional fruit smoothie and rain catchment water that was triple UV sterilized and filtered with carbon filters before it came out of the tap, then purified again through a special 7 layer filter before drinking it. I made sure to exercise often and get plenty of sleep as part of Dr. Douglas Grahams recommendations for natural hygiene. I also tried to eat at least 3,000 calories per day, getting at least 80% from carbs and 10% or less from fats and protein.

If I could give you one word to describe the whole 80\10\10 raw food diet lifestyle design experiment it would be this; Healing. Never before in my life have I experienced such consistent and persistent healing than after I began the 80\10\10 raw food diet. My body, mind, and spirit are going through some profound positive changes. My whole reality has been taking me through this healing process and it seems like the real end game here is inner peace. The 80\10\10 raw food diet is the inner peace diet. If you want to feel at peace within yourself, if you want to be healed of any sickness or disease of your mind, of your emotions, of your spirit, or of your body I highly recommend trying out a lifestyle design experiment with this raw food diet for at least 30 days, preferably longer. There are loads of other benefits aside from healing leading to inner peace, but I havent had much time to experience them since my whole self has been processing my healing pretty much full time in pursuit of the real treasure.
Our bodies are so perfectly in tune with us, they understand who we are inside and out. Of course they would, most of us spend pretty much every second of our lives inside of them! My body knows my masculine purpose and it knows that in order to heal me without resistance, the healing cannot seriously get in the way with my mission. I would be unhappy if I couldnt do my work, displeased if I could not continue to create. So in order for me to allow my own healing, my body had to be persistent and allow my healing to unfold gently over a period of time. Of course, this is what has been happening for me.

Ive heard of people with cancer spending a week in Costa Rica doing ayahuasca ceremonies with shaman. They spent hours upon hours puking up toxic black substance from deep within their being during the ceremony. Afterwards, they fly back home cancer-free. Fast-food healing anyone? This is certainly not what Ive experienced through the 80\10\10 raw food diet. It has been mostly gentle and easy healing, much like floating down a river in an inner tube on a sunny day. The people I needed to meet gently found their way into my flow, the experiences Ive needed to have so far have effortlessly happened upon me, all the right circumstance have been setting themselves up, and the pace has been really perfect for me, only ever offering me turbulence at the right times when I could handle it.

Ive spent a lot of time lying in bed since I began the 80\10\10 raw food diet. Sleeping a fair amount and just lying down feeling my body and emotions the rest of the time. My body has been going through some really nice realignment with my posture and releasing tensions Ive been holding for ages in my muscles. Im experiencing more and more a whole new way of being inside my body. My emotions have been pretty sensitive at times and Ive noticed myself getting overly excited over small things, having trouble sitting still or concentrating with laser-beam-like focus. Ive also have some times where I was seriously handicapped by stuck or blocked emotions. Always, these emotions would pass in their right time, really offering me new perspective and higher sensitivity on what it means to be tuned-in to my emotions. My brain, too has been going through some detox and Im noticing even my facial structure is beginning to change as a result. Ive experienced a high frequency of light headaches, pressure on the inside of my head, often throughout my sinus cavity region. I would have to take time to relax, breathe through it and allow whatever was going on in there to pass.

Yesterday there was a cinco de Mayo, super moon, birthday party going on nearby and my housemate Natasha invited me. I accepted and ended up lying down for a nap beforehand, feeling completely exhausted for some reason. This was fine, it felt really good to close my eyes and breathe and ultimately get some rest. I woke up in perfect timing to get ready for the party. It felt really good to just be at peace inside myself. The whole car ride and the whole party I was mostly silent, just feeling what it was like to be the real me, observing others when it felt good, but mostly observing what I was feeling inside. Usually Im a pretty outgoing person and often breathe tons of life into a gathering. Not yesterday, at least not in the same way Im used to. I felt calm, relaxed, at ease. Peaceful. In conversation, I placed more importance on maintaining my center than having an exciting, animated conversation. Also a rarity for me. When I did speak, my voice came out smoothly as if from deep within my heart, and resonated throughout my whole body. It felt really good to speak, and I only did so when I really felt like I had something important to say.

Raw Food Diet Benefits

Just to recap, from my experience with the 80\10\10 raw food diet, the real benefit is total healing leading to inner peace. What does this mean for other auxiliary treasures you may experience by choosing this raw food diet as part of your lifestyle design?
-Enhancement of all your senses; clearer vision, more sensitive touch, taste, and smell. I havent noticed a difference in my hearing yet.

-Seriously improved physical energy and stamina. I have trouble finding people who can play sports with me for as long as I want to play and at the level of intensity that I now want to play them. Never before in my life has my physical energy been so intense and abundant.

-Improved mental energy. I have been doing so much mental work since I began the 80\10\10 raw food diet and have had absolutely no trouble keeping up with my self-administered workload. I am able to learn, manage, and create all I need to. Clarity for me seems to have improved slightly since moving from a cooked vegan diet, but this may change once I complete my healing process.

-Improved libido. Wow, I have been really horny at times since beginning the raw food diet lifestyle design experiment. Ive felt like a 15 year old boy going through puberty all over again. My sexual energy has definitely increased a significant amount, but it hasnt been a consistent feeling. There have been stretches of very high libido and periods of no sexual interest whatsoever. I imagine this should level out as time goes on.

-Emotional attunement and clarity. Never before have I been so in touch with my emotions and the energetic currents they create as they flow through my body. I can feel them in specific places in my body, I can feel whether they are stuck or whether they are flowing too fast, too slow or just right. This has been a very clear benefit for me with the 80\10\10 raw food diet.

-Improved digestion and bathroom experience. Fruit digests really easily and I never feel heavy, bloated or tired after a meal. I urinate much more frequently, probably ~10x\day, because of the high water-content foods Im eating and because Im consciously drinking more water. When I do poo, it is solid and almost never does it take more than one or two wipes to clean up.

-Improved oral hygiene. My mouth stayed really clean throughout the experiment. I would often skip out on brushing my teeth and not notice it. My tongue felt fine and my teeth didnt get the fuzzy film over them like when eating cooked foods.

-Enhanced dream clarity and spiritual connection. Since beginning the 80\10\10 raw food diet lifestyle design experiment I have had two very clear spiritual dreams. I have also felt an enhanced connection with the spiritual flow and connection with the spiritual realm. I cant confirm any of this connection to you beyond a reasonable doubt, but I can feel it enough to recognize its existence and my connection to it.

-Positive environmental impact. It takes 12,000 gallons of water (Source) and 3\4 gallon of oil (Source) to bring you a single pound of beef, plus packaging, freezer storage, cooking etc. It only takes 102 gallons of water (Source) to produce a pound of bananas. Most of my food is sourced locally, which reduces the amount of fuel required to ship it, and everything is organic. That means no chemicals had to be created and shipped to grow my food, and arent going to building up in the soil or run off into water sources. I put out almost no trash from eating. Literally the only waste I have to produce are from the small plastic bags my organic tomatoes come in. How many bags of trash does the SAD (Standard American Diet) produce in a week? No animals are harmed because I eat this way, no harmful chemicals are created, no harmful gases are being released into the ozone layer, no pollution is being released into the soil, water or air. I do put out tons of waste from eating so much fruit. Probably over 5 gallons of organic peels, seeds, stems, and leaves on a weekly basis. This gets composted and turned into beautiful, nutrient-rich organic soil that can help grow more beautiful organic plants for the future. My food isnt produced by a factory that burns fossil fuels and pollutes the earth, it was grown by plants that cleanse the water, air, and soil. This is hands down the best diet for healing the environment.

Raw Food Diet Downsides

There are some downsides to the 80\10\10 raw food diet that I experienced during my 30 day lifestyle design experiment.
-Detox. Plain and simple, I spent a great deal of time sleeping, resting, meditating, doing yoga, and breathing through stuck energies that were passing out of my body. Other than my migraine on day 13 which I healed within 30 minutes anyway, I didnt experience any real pain from the raw food diet. It has just been uncomfortable at times.

-Temptation. With the enhanced sense of smell that comes from eating pure, raw, ripe, organic fruits and vegetables, the concentrated aromas of cooked food creations are very stimulating. It takes discipline and a strong belief system to not eat cooked foods.

-Challenging transition. After dropping salt and cooked food from my diet all at once, I experienced strange cravings for cooked foods. These diminished as time went on and I learned more recipes like Low Fat Raw Vegan Recipes: Ender's Lettuce Wraps

-Further disconnection with societys foods. I cant really go to dining establishments anymore (except the durian caf). I dont recognize what they serve as edible food to me anymore. As part of my lifestyle design experiment in particular, I made sure to eat only organic fruits and vegetables. I have trouble eating anything that isnt organic anymore.

Lifestyle Design Experiment Tips For Success

What made it easy on me to make the shift to the 80\10\10 raw food diet? First off, this isnt the first diet transition Ive completed. This is by far the most radical, but I have a successful track record of shifting to a vegetarian diet in 2008, vegan in 2010, and high fat raw in 2011. I went back to cooked vegan for about 6 months in order to make it easier to find food while travelling. After moving into a new studio and a 3 day water fast, I began the low fat raw food diet. This whole changing of my location made it easier on me. I simply have never cooked food in my studio and there has never been anything present but 100% raw organic fruits and vegetables in my cupboards and fridge. Also, living on the Big Island of Hawaii I have access to an abundance of high quality, local organic fruits and vegetables. Theres always something to eat in season here and its readily available at farmers markets and fruit stands along the road. Its easy to eat fruit when its everywhere!

Another thing that seriously contributed to my success with the raw food diet and will be a seriously helpful aspect at succeeding with any lifestyle design experiment is getting social support! So many times have I felt weak or like giving up when one of my fruitarian friends made a comment that really helped put me back on track. Meeting new people already successful at living this diet lifestyle helped reinforce to my mind that this is possible. They acted like eating almost entirely fruit was the easiest and most natural thing in the world, what could be better for a mind new to the concept? I made sure to people in my area doing what I wanted to do and spent lots of time socializing and networking with them. I also joined two forums online to connect with people around the world eating this way. Whenever I had a question or a problem, I would post it up on 30BAD and get a whole host of answers from experts. Seriously, if youre going to make any changes in your life, dont do it alone. Surround yourself with people who have already done it. I find that people love helping other people accomplish something they have already accomplished. It makes achieving lofty new goals a piece of cake!

A positive belief system, a winning attitude, and a good education on the 80/10/10 raw food diet were also essential in my success. I really believed in my heart this was the best way for humans to eat. I backed up that belief by watching tons of youtube videos and reading blogs, forums, and books about the subject. I maintained strong beliefs about my decision and continued to amass more positive beliefs as the experiment went on. I noticed changes in a positive light and experienced pain as challenge to overcome, not a wall to stop me. I knew I was going to succeed and there was nothing outside of me that could stop me.

And lastly, I had serious accountability through my blog. My reputation as a blogger and man were on the line here! I wrote about the whole thing and shared it all publicly, there was no way I was going home with my tail between my legs, a failure. There was no special award awaiting me at the 30 day finish line other than my own pride of success, but if I failed I knew that everyone would know about it. If youre going to do a challenging lifestyle design experiment, I recommend finding some way of holding yourself accountable. You can blog about it you can share your experience with trusted friends or family members or update your facebook status daily about it, just find some way to make sure other people know what youre doing so they can provide encouragement for your success. It sucks harder when everyone else sees you fail, this helps keep you accountable to your goal and makes it much more likely for you to succeed. The act of writing everything down on my blog was really helpful. You dont have to go into as much detail as I did, but its definitely useful to jot down at least little notes of your success and challenges. It helped me to get a clearer perspective on what was going on through the trial, identify my challenges, and create solutions. I noticed I was running out of food often, so I made sure I changed my shopping habits to ensure a fully stocked fruit stock.


Overall my lifestyle design experiment with the 80\10\10 raw food diet was a great success. I experienced some great personal benefits to my mind, body, emotions, and spirit, some phenomenal environmental benefits, and am on the healing path towards greater inner peace. I really believe in this raw food diet 100%, and when mixed with properly listening to your body and intuition, there is in my opinion no better way to design your ideal diet lifestyle.
The pictures are the cron-o-meter data for you from the last 7 days of the lifestyle design experiment. One of the days includes 2 pounds of durian treat, which is about 30% calories from fat, so my fat is a little higher than normal. According the the data I did not get any b-12 throughout this experiment, I got plenty of vitamin D from the sun, and of course it calculated my sodium to be very low since I gave up salt entirely.

Also, for your reference I have posted all the updates related to this raw food diet lifestyle design experiment below. Glad that you're here. Stick around, were going to have a great time together!

With so much love and gratitude for you,

Ender Ayanethos

Lifestyle Design Entrepreneur


P.S. Move somewhere tropical!!!

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