What Is AMized Fusion TechnologyHave You Ever Seen an Oompa Loompa

What Is AMized

Image source: http://attractgetwomen.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Shocked-man-expression.jpg

AMized Fusion Technology, a term that has come to have a large degree of scientific secrecy and significance over the last 9 months, can be likened to questions over who is the 'Man Behind the Curtain,'  'Deep Throat,' 'Willy Wonka,' and 'Area 51?'  Need I say more?  What is AMized Fusion Technology?  AMized Fusion Technology is the newest breakthrough resonance technology being used by the Amega Global company.  The company is using this technology to 'resonate' their product line in order to achieve and stimulate the body's own natural healing processes. AMized Fusion Technology is a registered trademark and is the proprietary technology that has been solely developed by the Amega Global R&D team, comprised of a group of scientists, doctors, and physicists.  The resonance technology has been developed over a period of 15 years of research in bio-physics applying the principals of Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics.  To quote the company, "AMized Fusion Technology is a proprietary process where any organic matter is energized to resonate at Zero-Point Field."  This organic matter has taken shape in the company's product line.  Zero Point Energy creams, oils, superfood freeze-dried powders, sea-salt brines, and the crme de la crme AM Wand and AM Pendant.
I get the question all the time.  What is AMized Fusion Technology anyway Paul?  I don't have the answer.  I can't help but wonder what goes on behind certain doors.  Where men and women wearing lab coats tinker and adjust.  And I dream of other doors where men and women in suits, wearing badges and carrying briefcases decide the fate of civilizations.  These are not the secrets we are meant for.  You come too close to discovering the answers to questions like these and you come up against fortified fences, "Keep Out" signs, and the 3 headed Cerberus himself.  I don't mean to compare the proprietary process known as AMized Fusion Technology to that of covert government secrets, or forbidden territory, just the contrary.  Here is a company with a great deal of integrity and one who is committed to delivering high quality products who truly help people.  If they don't want anyone else to know how they do it - I don't blame them.  But this strategy hasn't prevented other companies from trying to make a buck with their own versions of the infamous Wand!  I guess there is always room for other players.

I do find it really fun to think about though.  What goes on in that laboratory?  You mean my Wand has sat in a Zero Point Energy Chamber for 21 days in order to hold that resonance?  Wow!  How do they do it?  In this author's humble opinion -WHO CARES! Enjoy the energy!  Be with the energy!  Allow it to resonate you!  In the meantime let others wonder whether or not their Wand was manufactured by Oompa Loompas and whether or not the Wizard of Oz is just an old, addled man behind a Zero Point curtain.  Here's to not knowing!

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