What is Good Salon Customer Service

What is Good Salon Customer Service

Image source: https://www.salonsuccessacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Fotolia_40775770_Subscription_Monthly_XL.jpg

With the annual revenue of the beauty and hair care sector going well past a few billion, it would be safe to suggest that the salon business is thriving in the country and why should it not be? After all, people are very conscious about the way they look and will be happy to spend money for hair and beauty treatments even when faced with economic adversity, No its not about being vain, it's about the huge impact that our looks can have on our self image and confidence.

Now, its possible to find salons of all sizes and budgets that cater to the requirements of clients; from those that are no more than new age barbers to the swanky establishments of Beverly Hills that offer an assortment of services, However, the common factor with all these businesses is the need to generate profit.

Unfortunately, a lot of salon owners attribute dipping client turnouts to the plunging economy. Actually, economic woes have nothing to do with the salon business; however, the level of customer service that an establishment offers will have a direct bearing on how many customers frequent the establishment.

The salon business is a part of the service industry and like hotels or restaurants, the customer service that an establishment offers is as crucial to the survival of a business as the skill sets of its work force. In other words, you certainly ain't going to catch ants with vinegar in this business. So, here is a look at what extraordinary salon customer service should include

Customer service tips for a salon business that want to thrive

Do you know the friendly bartender: You know how a bar tenders job is to pour drinks for his clients but he often plays a therapeutic role. As a matter of fact, many people are more comfortable discussing their problems with a bartender than their shrink or even a loved one; no its not just about the effect of alcohol, its about building a comfort factor. That is what you need to do in the salon business as well. Create rapport with your clients and this is only going to happen when you go out of your way to make them feel comfortable. This should include offering a substantial amount of pampering and showing your customers that you are willing to offer them more today than what you did yesterday. Customer satisfaction can only be achieved through constant improvisation.

Keep ahead of the competition: If you do not somebody else will; after all, there is certainly no dearth of competition as far as salons go. So, to be the best in the business make sure that you offer your employees all the tools they will need. From the best products to the latest techniques, your salon should have them all.

Offer service that will become the talk of the town: Word of mouth marketing is still as potent as it was a decade ago. One satisfied client will be able to drive more customers your way than hundreds of advertising dollars. So, make sure that you offers your clients

A warm welcome; Remember that first impression is the last impressions, so make it good. Welcome your guests with a drink or wine

Offer detailed information: Your clients should get detailed information on the various treatments offered.

Well maintained salon: A clean and hygienic work area along with a polite and experienced staff will create an air of professionalism.

Offer free consultation: This is the best way to presell the treatments.

Education: Tell the client what is being done to him/her and how that is going to help; also offer information on some products that will help

Rebooking: This is vital for the clients long term results; keep a detailed record of the clients, treatment offered and follow up sessions required. Also, offer appointment reminders.

Regular contact: Offer loyalty programs, bonus and discounts to attract clients.

Free fix up of undesired results: This is crucial for after service satisfaction; free fix up should be offered without any questions asked.

Finally, make sure that you have a customer service code in place that is adhered to by all employees. This will help the workforce to understand what is expected out of them.

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